First Circular Letter

January 2014

Dear colleagues,

it is a great pleasure to announce a symposium on the occasion of Andreas Tietze’s 100th birthday. In order to commemorate this outstanding and internationally renowned scholar’s anniversary, we are organizing a small conference, inviting a number of his friends, colleagues, and students.

The venue of the conference will be the Oriental Institute of Vienna University (Institut für Orientalistik der Universität Wien), the very institute the head of which Tietze was for many years, where he not only published the Mustafa Ali volumes, but also created theTurkologischer Anzeiger. After retiring from the institute, he set out on a huge project, the Tarihi ve Etimolojik Türkiye Türkçesi Lugatı, which he unfortunately could not finish.

As a tribute to Andreas Tietze’s manifold research activities we would like to focus on his own fields of research. Especially welcome will therefore be contributions dealing with Ottoman historiography, including Mustafa Ali, the Mirror-for-Princes literature, Ottoman prose of the İnşâ or Divan Nesri type, Ottoman transcription texts in Armenian or Hebrew characters, early Ottoman literature, folk literature, riddles, Turkish etymology, Azeri, the Codex Cumanicus, etc. Likewise, general approaches to history writing, the editing of Ottoman texts will complete the picture of Tietze’s fields of interest.

The symposium will be handled by the Conference Service of the University, therefore we would kindly ask you to send a short note stating your willingness to attend to the following address

by 15th April, 2014.

As we plan to produce a booklet containing abstracts, the deadline for sending 300 word abstracts of your contributions (20 minutes per person plus 10 minutes for discussion) will have to be

20th May, 2014

Funding will not be covering our expenses; therefore we will have to ask for a fee of 100 euros.

Those colleagues who will have responded to this present letter will get the second circular letter with information on accommodation and the social programme.

Best wishes,

Claudia RömerMarkus KöhbachGisela Procházka-Eisl
Tietze Symposium | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien